
news/2024/7/21 5:40:32 标签: excel, git


最新升级到V1.3.3,因为git diff有变化,原来是git diff会修改文件名,现在不改了,导致老版DiffExcel失效】

DiffExcel is an open-source and text-based tool to compare Excel, it supports Git diff.
It looks like the below:


  • Microsoft Excel
  • PowerShell, which is pre-installed in Windows10 and the later


  1. Open PowerShell
  2. execute Install-Script -Name DiffExcel
    2.1 if updating, execute Update-Script -Name DiffExcel

Direct Usage

In PowerShell, use below syntax:
DiffExcel OldExcelFilePath NewExcelFilePath
e.g. DiffExcel E:\Code\ExcelBDD\DiffExcel\Test\OldFile.xlsx E:\Code\ExcelBDD\DiffExcel\Test\NewFile.xlsx

DiffExcel OldExcelFilePath NewExcelFilePath -Open
-Open: if Open switch is set, the new Excel file will open if any change is found.

git-diff">Config Git Diff

Prepare a Diff bat file

PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command DiffExcel %2 %5

save this bat file to somewhere on your computer, e.g. E:/Code/ExcelBDD/DiffExcel/DiffExcel.bat

if the changed file is wanted open for further check after diff, use the below command.

PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command DiffExcel %2 %5 -Open

git%2Fconfig">Set .git/config

add or edit the .git/config file in your repository or your global and amend the following:

[diff "excel"]
	command = E:/Code/ExcelBDD/DiffExcel/DiffExcel.bat

gitattributes">Set .gitattributes

*.xls* diff=excel

git-diff-usage">Git Diff Usage

Totally the same as usual git diff, e.g.

git status
git diff theChangedExcelFile

Other Output Example

Changed Cells

The -Open is set, the it reminds "The new file is open, please check."

New Worksheet

Missing Worksheet




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